The slightly OCD princess was finally headed home.
Then the felon escaped after kidnapping her champion.
Home would have to wait.
Princess Eloise, Future Ruler and Heir to the Western Lands and All That Really Matters, was transporting the jester who'd killed a king back home to face justice.
Fair enough.
But when he escapes (taking Eloise's chipmunk champion with him), Eloise, her guard, and her horse companions must traverse two realms to try to get him back.
The Light Bearer (book three of The Western Lands and All That Really Matters series) is a humorous, Discworld-ish novel set in a world of weak magic, talking animals, stupidly long names, and wäY töö mänY ümläüts. If you like quirky, clever characters, lively dialog, and fun, ripping yarns, then you'll love this fabulous third novel from Andrew Einspruch.
Get The Light Bearer today and dive into the freshest fantasy series in years.